Please help us serve you effectively by following our ordering guidelines and providing all the information relevant to your order.
- For the best service, place your orders by 4:00 p.m. the day before the pour. Contact us now to place your order!
- “Confirmed orders” take priority over “Wait for call” orders. (Note: “Wait for call” orders make it extremely difficult to effectively schedule deliveries.)
- “Wait for call” orders should be confirmed at least three hours prior to delivery.
- Make your order changes as promptly as possible.
- Help us to serve you better by making cancellations at least two hours before delivery time.
Submitting your order with the following information will ensure that you receive the right product in the right place and at the right time:
- Customer name.
- Mix code/description.
- Date and time of delivery.
- Accurate delivery address.
- Quantity and rate of pour.
- Method of placement.
- Contact name and phone number.
All employees have the responsibility to work safely. A safe work environment promotes efficiency, increases production, and saves money. Central Coast Concrete is fully insured, covered by WCB and committed to the safety of our employees and other workers. To this end, we ask that you respect the following:
- No contractor chutes are to be added to the truck chute system.
- Trucks shall keep a minimum of one meter from excavation edge.
- Ramps shall be safe.
- Contractors shall provide signalers.
- Trucks shall not be towed in or out of job sites.
Mike Carter – Operations Manager
Orders and Inquiries
(604) 885-2486 Click to email